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Latest Release

Gulf Shores Godsend

Lucy Evans has been dangerously depressed for months. At the beginning of summer, she revealed her love for her best friend, Garrett, but he didn’t reciprocate. He responded by putting more space between them until finally, he started seeing someone and cut Lucy out of his life completely.

Concerned about her health, Lucy’s great-aunt suggests she come live with her in Gulf Shores, Alabama, in hopes that the change of atmosphere may help her find joy in life again. At first, she still finds reminders of Garrett everywhere, even so far away from her home near Pickwick Lake in Tennessee. Soon, she lands her dream job as a graphic designer for a real estate agency. She meets the man whose position she filled, a successful author named Lance, who happens to be grieving a Garrett of his own: his deceased brother, murdered two years ago. They bond over their losses, and before long, Lucy finds herself wondering if there could be something more between them.

When her great-aunt is forced to rent out her condo, Lucy moves into a vacant listing offered by her employer. She hasn’t been there long when personal items start disappearing and reappearing in strange places. Lucy is convinced that this is the work of an intruder, but Lance thinks Lucy has taken up sleepwalking. The security cameras seem to suggest his theory is correct, but Lucy just isn’t buying it.

The mysterious occurrences inside her residence add another layer of difficulty to an already trying situation. Lance’s brilliant mind fascinates Lucy, but as she reads his debut novel, certain similarities between the plot and the events of her current life make her question whether he might be toying with her.

Red Redemption
Goodnight to the Evening
Sunflower Solstice
The Characters of Sardis Lake
Night Visions
Psychological Potluck

The Kate Adams Series

She’s got a new career and a new life . . . complete with dangerous adventures.

Book 1: Shifting Seaward
Book 2: Drifting Inland
Book 3: Sloping Southward

Upcoming Book

Barbra Sims has just bought a house, but she winds up with much more than just a building. She soon finds that the previous owner, a private investigator, had left his notes behind when he died. He also left his sidekick, a very friendly, highly intelligent dog named Sydney, who gets some chapters of his very own to tell his side of the story.